Gastronomy - Demjén Cascade ****
Natural elegance
of tastes




Gambas aglio olio, ciabatta4.800.-Ft
Baconos cheddar puffancs, pankómorzsában, jalapeno-s zöld majonéz2.990.-Ft
Tatárbeefsteak, savanyított lilhagyma4.900.-Ft


Marhalábszár gulyás2.490.-Ft
Pho leves (csirkés, marhahúsos, vagy garnélás)2.490.-Ft
Málnakrémleves, citrusos mascarpone hab, ropogós granola2.790.-Ft

Main Course

Rizstésztás pad thai (csirke, marha, garnéla változatokban)4.490.-Ft
Cézár saláta (grillezett csirkemell, fokhagymás garnéla, vagy grillezett gomolya változatokban)4.490.-Ft
Fish and chips4.490.-Ft
Tépett kacsa, káposztás tésztarolád4.790.-Ft
Konfitált sertéstarja, rakottkrumpli, buggyantott tojás, savanyított lilahagyma4.290.-Ft
Tonkatsu, teriyaki, rizsecetes uborka, burgonyapüré4.790.-Ft
Vega opció: Padlizsán Bécsi4.390.-Ft


Brownie, karamellás sósmogyoró2.190.-Ft
Répatorta, citrusos mascarponekrém2.390.-Ft
Túrógombóc, édes tejfölös mandulás morzsa1.990.-Ft

Kids’ Menu

Húsleves, csigatészta, sárgarépa1.470.-Ft
Rántott csirkemell, krémes burgonyapüré, barack kompót2.070.-Ft
Rántott sajt, hasábburgonya, tartármártás2.070.-Ft
Paradicsomos, sajtos spagetti1.970.-Ft


Cascade smash burger
Házi buci, burgerszósz, dupla húspogácsa, karamellizált hagyma, cheddar, uborka
Csirkés wrap
Tortilla lap, zöldmajonéz, jégsaláta, csirkemell, paradicsom, mozzarella
Pulled pork ciabatta
Ciabatta, pulled pork, BBQ, pirított hagyma, jégsaláta, cheddar, paradicsom, majonéz
Club szendvics
Pitakenyér, bacon, tojáskrém, grillezett csirkemell, jégsaláta, cheddar, paradicsom, majonéz

Cave Bath

Market Restaurant

A Mediterranean-themed self-service restaurant and pizza place awaits our guests in the Cascade Cave Bath and Water Park
The Market restaurant offers a wide range of dishes made from quality ingredients from a salad buffet, through soups, main meals, pizzas and pastas to desserts.

Download the Market Restaurant menu

Water Bar

For those longing after more exciting and special experiences than traditional spa services, we created the exclusive Water Bar located in the Fairy Cave basin, where one can enjoy a wide variety of drinks while standing or sitting in the water.

Download the Water Bar menu

Bambu Bar

The Bambu Bar is situated at the top of the slide tower where you can have a drink,
cocktails and eat a light meal while admiring the unique sight.

Download the Bambu Bar menu


Wellness restaurant

The panoramic Wellness rooftop restaurant offers à la carte meals in the Spa Center between 10 am and 6 pm.


The Bath Buffet continuously offers traditional hamburger and lángos to the bath guests between 10 am and 2 am.

Pizza terrace

Home of pasta meals, the Pizza Terrace offers mainly kid favorites such as pancakes,
“kürtőskalács” and a wide range of pizzas from 10 am to 6 pm.

Grill terrace

Real barbecue food, everything from vegetables the steaks in our grill restaurant
open throughout the season from 12 am to 6 pm.

Cocktail patio

A wide range of cocktails are available during the season from 12 am to 8 pm ‘shaken or stirred’.